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  Airline Reservations

TravelDepot has created a step by step process to search for airline tickets and find the lowest and cheapest airfare on discount air travel to book your airline reservations. We all like to save money. Who hasn't asked, "How can I save on airline tickets?" when preparing for a long trip or vacation.

By following this step by step process, you will find the lowest airfare currently offered. You can skip some steps, i.e. Airport Information, if you already know the information needed for that step.

  STEP 1: Airport Information

This includes collecting information about the airport from which you will be departing. Knowing which airlines serve the airport is extremely valuable. With this, you will not be looking up fares for carriers who do not service your airport. Begin Step 1.

  STEP 2: Search the Airlines

Once you have a list of airlines that service your departing airport, then it is time to check the airline's websites, such as Alaska Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Northwest Airlines, or United Airlines, for their best fares. Begin Step 2.

  STEP 3: Travel Websites

Now that you have the hotel's best offers, it's time to check the travel websites
(Expedia, Travelocity, QIXO.com, etc.) for theirs. Begin Step 3.

  STEP 4: Discount and Bidding Websites

Once you have the travel sites best offers, you must decide whether or not to use the discount travel websites (Pricelineor Hotwire.) Begin Step 4.

  STEP 5: Making the Purchase

Now that you have all of your information, do you make the purchase or wait to see if rates go down? Begin Step 5.


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